Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Apple iPhone 4 CDMA

Apple iPhone 4 CDMA

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Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Apple iPhone 4 CDMA


Dilihat dari desain, iPhone 4 CDMA nampak tak ada bedanya dengan iPhone 4 (GSM) yang lebih dulu dipasarkan. Hanya ada sedikit pembeda yang tak terlalu terlihat, yakni iPhone 4 CDMA tidak dilengkapi slot micro SIM card, karena memang versi yang kami uji mengusung konsep inject number. Menurut dari segi desain, iPhone 4 CDMA yang berdesain unibody mempunyai dimensi 115,2 x 58,6 x 9.3 mm dan berat 137 gram. Body-nya terlihat kokoh, agak berat namum terlihat bentuknya ergonomis.

Meski tak bisa dibilang barang baru lagi, iPhone 4 CDMA punya desain yang menurut kami mewah dan ekslusif, punya bentuk yang agak mengkotak namun membentuk melengkung di keempat sudutnya. List silver yang terbuat stainles steel menambah kesan mewah. Untuk bagian depan dan belakang bahannya dari kaca. Nah, bicara soal kaca, untuk sisi layarnya sudah dilengkapi lapisan anti gores dari Corning Gorilla Glass, dan sekujur body lainnya dilapisi bahan eleophobic coating.

Bicara soal layar, iPhone 4 CDMA mengusung teknologi layar LED backlight IPS (In Plane Switching) capacitive dengan kedalaman 16 juta warna. Bentang ukuran layar 3.5 inchi dengan resolusi 640×960 pixels. Harus diakui, visual layar sangat tajam, ini dibuktikan dengan kepadatan pixel-nya yang mencapai 330 ppi (pixel per inch).

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iphone 4 cdma

Mengenai detail pada sekeliling body, tombol pengatur volume dan tombol mute berada disisi kanan body. Sementara untuk sisi kiri dibiarkan kosong tanpa instrumen. Pada bagian atas (top view) ditempatkan tombol on/off yang juga berperan sebagai pengunci layar, lubang mikrofon, dan audio jack 3,5 mm. Kemudian pada bagian bawah (bottom), terlihat ada port charger ala iPod yang diapit oleh dual speaker.

Tepat diatas layar, disematkan lensa kamera sekunder, lubang earpiece, dan sensor proximity. Dan seperti tradisi seri iPhone yang lain, dibawah layar ada tombol back yang dirancang cukup besar. Melihat ke bagian belakang (back cover), ada lensa kamera utama dan flash light. Juga tampak secara jelas logo Apple yang memantulkan refleksi serta beberapa tulisan seperti kode produksi dan keterangan produksi.

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iphone 4 cdma


Tombol pengatur volume juga dapat difungsikan sebagai akses shutter pada menu kamera.


Beberapa informasi menyebutkan bila iPhone 4 CDMA ada yang ditawarkan dalam versi menggunakan slot micro SIM card. Namun, untuk versi yang kami coba kali ini adalah versi inject (tanpa kartu) yang menggunakan layanan dari operator Smartfren. Dari sisi identitas jaringan yang digunakan, iPhone 4 CDMA berjalan di frekuensi dual band CDMA 800/1900. Sementara untuk koneksi 3G mengacu pada teknologi CDMA200-1x EVDO Rev.A, yang secara teori dapat menghantarkan kecepatan akses hingga 3,1 Mbps. Masih terkait internet, iPhone 4 CDMA juga dibekali fitur WiFi dengan standar b/g/n pada single frekuensi 2.4Ghz. Sinyal WiFi pun dapat Anda sebarkan lewat menu WiFi tethering.

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Tentang kamera, iPhone 4 CDMA dilengkapi dual kamera, kamera utama punya resolusi 5 megapixels (2592×1936 pixels) dan resolusi kamera sekunder resolusinya VGA (640×480 pixels). Menu pada kamera terbilang sederhana, yakni hanya ada menu flash, grid, HDR (high definition range), 5x zoom, touch focus, auto focus, dan foto editor. Meski menu kameranya tak banyak, kualitas fitur kamera dan hasil imaging jepretan iPhone terlihat sangat baik dan halus.

Kemampuan imaging juga menyerempet pada rekam video, dimana resolusi untuk rekam video sudah mengusung standar 720p video HD (high definition) pada kecepatan 30 fps. Baik foto dan rekam video sudah dilengkapi dengan geo tagging. Khusus untuk rekam video dengan kamera sekunder, resolusi yang didapat hanya 480p pada kecepatan 30 fps.

Bicara tentang hiburan, keberadaan sensor akselerometer dan gyro dipastikan bakal mampu memanjakan Anda dalam memainkan game-game flash. Pemutar musik di iPhone 4 CDMA punya kemampuan yang cukup baik, meski tidak ada pilihan equalizer, tapi kualitas pancaran nada dari dual speaker stereo sangat baik dan jernih. Menu pelengkapi pada pemutar musik diantaranya adalah playlist, artist, dan album yang bisa Anda padukan dengan repeat dan shuffle.

Dalam versi default, iPhone 4 CDMA tidak dilengkapi aplikasi pembaca dokumen, tapi untuk sekedar membuka dan membaca dokumen, smartphone ini dijamin pasti bisa, bahkan tanpa install PDF reader, Anda bisa membuka dan membaca file PDF. Lain hal bila Anda ingin membuat dokumen baru, maka harus mengunduh aplikasi berbayar.


Tidak dilengkapi dengan fitur FM radio. Dalam versi default-nya tidak dibekali video editor. Smartphone yang kami gunakan dalam status unlock, Anda juga bisa menggunakan layanan dari operator Esia.


Versi iPhone 4 CDMA yang kami coba berjalan di iOS 6.1.3, dan sampai tulisan ini dibuat belum ada update ke versi OS yang lebih baru, meski disebut-sebut akan tersedia upgrade hingga iOS 7.0. Dapur pacu iPhone 4 dipercayakan pada single prosesor 1Ghz Cortex-A8. Sementara kinerja layar disokong GPU (graphic processing unit) PowerVR SGX535. Yang cukup unik, kapasitas RAM-nya terbilang kecil, yakni 512MB, tapi jangan disangka kurang ampuh, justru kinerja fitur besutan Apple ini cukup baik. Hal ini dibuktikan seperti akselertasi di menu kamera, setiap pergerakan terasa halus.


Jual Apple iPhone 4 CDMA

Advan Vandroid T2 tablet 7" 4GB storage I Jual Advan Vandroid T2

Advan Vandroid T2 tablet 7" 4GB storage I Jual Advan Vandroid T2

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Advan Vandroid T2 tablet 7″ 4GB storage I Jual Advan Vandroid T2

Jual Advan Vandroid T2

Jika anda sedang bingung mencari Tablet PC Android murah dengan harga di bawah 1 jutaan. Mungkin saja, Advan Vandroid T2 ini bisa jadi pilihan dan bahan refrensi anda untuk memilih. Advan Vandroid T2 ini hanya dibanderol seharga Rp.800 ribuan saja, namun tentu nya di sesuaikan dengan spesifikasi yang dimilikinya.

Jual Advan Vandroid T2 tablet 7″ 4GB storage spesifikasi

Layar : 7 ” 800×480

OS : Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

Memory : Storage 4GB, RAM 512GB DDR 3

MicroSD Up to 32 GB

WiFi : Wi-Fi 802,11 b/g/n

CPU : Cortex A9 1 Ghz

Camera : Ya

Gravity Sensor

Mini HDMI Port

Fiturt Lain : Browser, Calculator, Camera, Clock, Media Player, E-book Reader, Camcorder, E-mail, Sound Recorder, Anti Lag 3D Game, Dll

Baterai : 2400mAh

Selain spesifikasi di atas Vandroid T2 sudah dijejali aplikasi aplikasi seperti Browser, Calculator, Camera, Clock, Media Player, E-book Reader, Camcorder, E-mail, Sound Recorder dll

tablet yang berjalan pada sistem operasi Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich in di tenagai oleh prosesor Cortex A9 berkecepatan 1 Ghz dan RAM sebesar 512MB.

Untuk kebutuhan bermain game, Advan menyediakan fitur Anti Lag 3D Game demi kelancaran dalam bermain game 3D. Selain itu, ada juga beberapa fitur tambahan sepsrti Browser, Calculator, Camera, Clock, Media Player, E-book Reader, Camcorder, E-mail, Sound Recorder.

Jual Advan Vandroid T2 tablet 7″ 4GB storage gambar

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Jual Advan Vandroid T2 tablet 7" 4GB storage I Jual Advan Vandroid T2
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Mini DV 2MP HD Smallest Camera Video Recorder webcam I Jual Mini DV

Mini DV 2MP HD Smallest Camera Video Recorder webcam I Jual Mini DV

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Mini DV 2MP HD Smallest Camera Video Recorder webcam I Jual Mini DV

Jual Mini DV

This new HD video model of our popular button camera line is so small that it can fit inside a chewing gum package, cigarette box, or DIY to any button up shirt for the ultimate in undetectable covert surveillance. While small in size, it makes up for it with technique. This model cam records directly to your TF card in 640×480-VGA video with 30 FPS, giving you the best results you have ever seen from a hidden surveillance DVR of this size.

Jual Mini DV 2MP HD Smallest Camera Video Recorder webcam Spesifikasi

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Specification of 2MP HD Smallest Mini DV Digital Camera Video Recorder Camcorder Webcam DVR Model Y2000 – Black

Display Max. Resolution:Video Resolution : 640 x 480 VGA
Input Device Type:mini 5 pin USB

Built-in MIC
Battery Type:High capacity lithium polymer
Battery Capacity:200mAh

Work Time: 90 Minutes

Charge Time: About 3 hours

Charging Voltage: 4.2-5V

Operation Voltage: 3.7V

Continuous Recording Time: About 40 minutes on full charge
Storage:Support TF card up to 16GB

Micro SD card – 32GB max
Dimension:26 (L) x 26 (W) x 28 (D)
Camera:Mini DV digital camera
Software Support:Video Format : AVI
Sensor:Image Sensor : 1/4 COMS
Lens:Frame Rate : 30FPS

Features :

  • Primary Function: Miniature DVR

  • Material: ABS Plastic

  • White Balance: Auto

  • Time/Date Stamp: Yes

  • Recommended Range for Audio: 1 – 3 Meters

  • Recommended Range for Video: Up to 8 Meters

  • OS Supported: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista (32 bit version only) /Windows7

Package include :

  • Mini DVR

  • USB Cable

  • Carrying lanyard

  • User manual – English

  • Keychain latch

  • CD ROM


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Jual Mini DV 2MP HD Smallest Camera Video Recorder webcam I Jual Mini DV
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Mito A95 Smartphone Quadcore 1GB RAM 8Mp camera I Jual Mito A95

Mito A95 Smartphone Quadcore 1GB RAM 8Mp camera I Jual Mito A95

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Mito A95 Smartphone Quadcore 1GB RAM 8Mp camera I Jual Mito A95

Jual Mito A95

Selain menghadirkan deretan smartphone Android ber-prosesor Dual-core murah, Mito Mobile juga nampaknya bakal serius menggarap segmen Quad-core. SetelahMito A355, merek lokal ini kembali menggebrak pasar tanah air dengan smartphone terbarunya yakni Mito A95.

Jual Mito A95 Smartphone Quadcore 1GB RAM 8Mp camera Spesifikasi

Spesifikasi Mito A95:

- Network: (Dual SIM) Dualband GSM (900/1800 MHz)/WCDMA 900/2100 MHz

- Screen: 5 inci, TFT Capacitive touchscreen HD 1280×720 pixsel

- Display: IPS Panel, Dragon trail

- OS: Android 4.2 Jelly Bean

- Processor: MediaTek Quad-core 1.2GHz

- GPU: PowerVR SGX 544MP

- RAM: 1GB

- Internal Memory: 4GB

- Exsternal Memory: up to 32GB

- Transfer Data: HSDPA, 3G, EDGE, GPRS;

- Back Camera: 8 MP (auto focus+LED flash) support video recorder

- Front Camera: 1.3 MP

- Conectivity: WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth, kabel data USB, audio jack 3.5mm

- Fitur: Audio/video player, radio FM, Face Unlock, Google Play Store, Gmail, YouTube, Google Maps, GPS, etc

- Battery: Lithium 2500 (estimasi)

- See more at:

Smartphone Quad-core Mito terbaru ini memiliki spesifikasi yang sedikit di atas Mito A355, khususnya untuk dukungan memori internal yakni dengan membenamkan RAM 1GB (Mito A355 hanya 512 MB). Sedangkan untuk prosesor dan hardware lainnya tak jauh beda, yang mana Mito A95 juga membekali diri dengan chipset MediaTek Quad-core 1.2GHz plus GPU PowerVR SGX544MP yang diklaim sanggup memainkan berbagai game HD/3D dengan lancar.

Selain itu, Mito A95 kini sudah menggunakan sistem operasi Android versi terbaru yakni 4.2 Jelly Bean (Mito A355 masih Android 4.1 Jelly Bean). Dengan digunakannya OS versi terbaru, tentunya banyak fasilitas tambahan yang juga menyertai performa Mito A95. Seperti spesifikasi yang didapat thePONSEL, smartphone ini memiliki fitur pengaman (security) yang cukup tangguh yaitu Face Unlock. Artinya, Mito A95 yang dalam modus ‘lock screen’ hanya bisa dibuka dengan pengenalan pola wajah (Image Pattern Recognition Technology) si pemilik.

Seperti halnya Mito A355, smartphone terbaru Mito Mobile ini juga disokong kemampuan Dual SIM Dual Standby, yang menyertakan jaringan data 3G/HSDPA untuk kebutuhan akses internet. Bagi yang ingin menikmati browsing gratis, bisa memanfaatkan koneksi WiFi. Di sisi multimedia, Mito A95 menyertakan kamera utama berkekuatan 8 MP plus fitur auto focus dan LED flash, ada juga kamera depan beresolusi 1.3 MP, radio FM, audio/video player serta beragam fasilitas standar Android. Menariknya, Mito A95 dilengkapi pula game keren besutan Gameloft seperti Asphalt 6 Adrenaline dan aplikasi menarik dari Neo Apps.

Jual Mito A95 Smartphone Quadcore 1GB RAM 8Mp camera Gambar


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Jual Mito A95 Smartphone Quadcore 1GB RAM 8Mp camera I Jual Mito A95
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Lenovo S920 Smartphone 5.3" Quad Core 1GB RAM I Jual Lenovo S920Lenovo S920 Smartphone 5.3" Quad Core 1GB RAM I Jual Lenovo S920

Lenovo S920 Smartphone 5.3" Quad Core 1GB RAM I Jual Lenovo S920Lenovo S920 Smartphone 5.3" Quad Core 1GB RAM I Jual Lenovo S920

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Lenovo S920 Smartphone 5.3″ Quad Core 1GB RAM I Jual Lenovo S920

Jual Lenovo S920

Lenovo terus meningkatkan kehadirannya di pasar smartphone menambahkan untuk lineup mereka. Sementara perusahaan lain mulai terlambat dengan usaha mobile mereka, Lenovo bersiap untuk berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi dengan membuka seri S920 Lenovo mereka.

Jual Lenovo S920 Smartphone 5.3″ Quad Core 1GB RAM Spesifikasi

GENERAL2G NetworkGSM 900 / 1800 / 1900
3G NetworkHSDPA 900 / 2100
Announced2013, March
StatusAvailable. Released 2013, May

BODYDimensions154 x 77.7 x 7.9 mm (6.06 x 3.06 x 0.31 in)
Weight159 g (5.61 oz)

DISPLAYTypeIPS LCD capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Size720 x 1280 pixels, 5.3 inches (~277 ppi pixel density)

SOUNDAlert typesVibration; MP3, WAV ringtones
3.5mm jackYes

MEMORYCard slotmicroSD, up to 32 GB
Internal4 GB, 1 GB RAM

DATAGPRSClass 12 (4+1/3+2/2+3/1+4 slots), 32 – 48 kbps
EDGEClass 12
SpeedHSDPA, 7.2 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps
WLANWi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, dual band
BluetoothYes, v3.0 with A2DP
USBYes, microUSB v2.0

CAMERAPrimary8 MP, 3264 x 2448 pixels, autofocus, LED flash
FeaturesGeo-tagging, touch focus, face detection
SecondaryYes, 2 MP

FEATURESOSAndroid OS, v4.2 (Jelly Bean)
ChipsetMTK 6589
CPUQuad-core 1.2 GHz
SensorsAccelerometer, proximity, compass
MessagingSMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM, RSS
RadioFM radio
GPSYes, with A-GPS support
JavaYes, via Java MIDP emulator
ColorsWhite, Blue
- Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic

- SNS integration

- MP4/WMV/H.264/H.263 player

- MP3/WAV/WMA/eAAC+ player

- Organizer

- Image/video editor

- Document viewer

- Google Search, Maps, Gmail,

YouTube, Calendar, Google Talk

- Voice memo/dial

- Predictive text input

BATTERYLi-Po 2250 mAh battery
Stand-byUp to 480 h (2G) / Up to 480 h (3G)
Talk timeUp to 25 h (2G) / Up to 12 h (3G)

MISCSAR EU0.46 W/kg (head)
Price group | | pg7

Notable features include:

  • Screen – the phone includes a 5.3-inch display with 720 x 1280 resolution, this provides uses with a crisp and clear screen. The device has 277 pixel density per inch which is sufficient for the device. Users can have a great experience while watching movies, reading books and playing games.

  • Processor and Memory: The device runs on 1.2 GHz quad core processor which includes Cortex A7 architecture. It features a Mediatek unit which is similar to affordable or mid-range quad core devices today. The S920 offers 1GB ram and additional 4GB and expanded memory up to 32GB.

  • Imaging: It is an 8-megapixel camera and performs far better than most budget phones with the same pixel capacity.

  • Software and Connectivity: Lenovo S920 features the latest version of Android, 4.2.1 Jelly Bean. The operating system has been prevailing over Lenovo’s products recently.

  • Battery and Pricing: The smartphone comes with a 2,250 mAh battery. This should be enough though having a big screen can be consuming. Pricing, as mentioned, is very affordable.

For people more on a budget but wants to enjoy the utilities of a good smartphone, the Lenovo S920 is a good deal.


Jual Lenovo S920 Smartphone 5.3″ Quad Core 1GB RAM  Gambar

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Jual Lenovo S920 Smartphone 5.3" Quad Core 1GB RAM I Jual Lenovo S920Lenovo S920 Smartphone 5.3" Quad Core 1GB RAM I Jual Lenovo S920
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Monday, July 29, 2013

Iphone 5 Apple 4" iOS 6 Dual-core 1.3 GHz RAM 1GB I Jual Iphone 5

Iphone 5 Apple 4" iOS 6 Dual-core 1.3 GHz RAM 1GB I Jual Iphone 5

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Iphone 5 Apple 4″ iOS 6 Dual-core 1.3 GHz RAM 1GB I Jual Iphone 5

Jual Iphone 5

iPhone 5 kini sudah hadir di Indonesia, setelah dinanti-nanti begitu lama oleh penggemar smartphone paling fenomenal ini. Produk terbaru keluaran memperkenalkan beragam fitur baru yang tidak ditemukan pada generasi sebelumnya.

Apple iPhone 5 mulai diperkenalkan oleh apple yang diselenggarakan di San Francisco, AS. Dengan mengusung teknologi terbaru membuat semakin diminati di kalangan yang mempunyai budget besar dan mempunyai nilai jual yang tinggi dan gengsi yang cukup mewah.

Jual Iphone 5 Apple 4″ iOS 6 Dual-core 1.3 GHz RAM 1GB Spesifikasi Review

GENERAL2G NetworkGSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 – GSM A1428
CDMA 800 / 1900 / 2100 – CDMA A1429
3G NetworkHSDPA 850 / 900 / 1700 / 1900 / 2100 – GSM A1428
CDMA2000 1xEV-DO – CDMA A1429
4G NetworkLTE 700 MHz Class 17 / 1700 / 2100 – GSM A1428 or LTE 850 / 1800 / 2100 – GSM A1429
LTE 700 / 850 / 1800 / 1900 / 2100 – CDMA A1429
Announced2012, September
StatusAvailable. Released 2012, September

BODYDimensions123.8 x 58.6 x 7.6 mm (4.87 x 2.31 x 0.30 in)
Weight112 g (3.95 oz)

DISPLAYTypeLED-backlit IPS LCD, capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Size640 x 1136 pixels, 4.0 inches (~326 ppi pixel density)
ProtectionCorning Gorilla Glass, oleophobic coating

SOUNDAlert typesVibration, proprietary ringtones
3.5mm jackYes

MEMORYCard slotNo
Internal16/32/64 GB storage, 1 GB RAM

SpeedDC-HSDPA, 42 Mbps; HSDPA, 21 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps, LTE, 100 Mbps; EV-DO Rev. A, up to 3.1 Mbps
WLANWi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, dual-band, Wi-Fi hotspot
BluetoothYes, v4.0 with A2DP
USBYes, v2.0

CAMERAPrimary8 MP, 3264×2448 pixels, autofocus, LED flash, check quality
FeaturesSimultaneous HD video and image recording, touch focus, geo-tagging, face detection, panorama, HDR
VideoYes, 1080p@30fps, video stabilization, check quality
SecondaryYes, 1.2 MP, 720p@30fps, face detection, FaceTime over Wi-Fi or Cellular

FEATURESOSiOS 6, upgradable to iOS 6.1.4, planned upgrade to iOS 7.0
ChipsetApple A6
CPUDual-core 1.3 GHz
GPUPowerVR SGX 543MP3 (triple-core graphics)
SensorsAccelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass
MessagingiMessage, SMS (threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Email
BrowserHTML (Safari)
GPSYes, with A-GPS support and GLONASS
ColorsBlack/Slate, White/Silver
- Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic

- Siri natural language commands and dictation

- iCloud cloud service

- Twitter and Facebook integration

- TV-out

- Maps

- iBooks PDF reader

- Audio/video player/editor

- Organizer

- Document viewer

- Image viewer/editor

- Voice memo/dial/command

- Predictive text input

BATTERYNon-removable Li-Po 1440 mAh battery (5.45 Wh)
Stand-byUp to 225 h (2G) / Up to 225 h (3G)
Talk timeUp to 8 h (2G) / Up to 8 h (3G)
Music playUp to 40 h

MISCSAR US1.18 W/kg (head)     1.18 W/kg (body)
SAR EU0.95 W/kg (head)     0.90 W/kg (body)
Price group | | pg8

TESTSDisplayContrast ratio: 1320:1 (nominal) / 3.997:1 (sunlight)
LoudspeakerVoice 66dB / Noise 66dB / Ring 67dB
Audio qualityNoise -91.3dB / Crosstalk -76.5dB
CameraPhoto / Video
Battery lifeEndurance rating 51h

Seperti apa gambaran ponsel generasi keenam dari iPhone ini, Lalu fitur apakah yang ditanamkan dalam gadget paling terbaru keluaran perusahaan Apple ini. iPhone 5 mengalami sedikit perubahan desain dan memiliki layar yang lebih besar dibandingkan ponsel generasi sebelumnya.

Dengan layar 4 inci memiliki resolusi 1136 x 480 piksel dan kerapatan piksel mencapai 326 ppi. Ketebalan hanya 7,6 mm dan bobot 112 gram, mendukung teknologi 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution), 3G, HSPA, HSPA+, DC HSPA dan dual band WiFi serta Bluetooth.

Untuk dapur pacu dibekali prosesor system on chip (SoC) A6 dan tubuhnya diselimuti oleh materi kaca dan aluminium. Dan dilengkapi dengan kamera 8 MP dan memori 16 GB.

Jual Iphone 5 Apple 4″ iOS 6 Dual-core 1.3 GHz RAM 1GB Gambar


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Baterai BB CS 2 Murah Gemini Curve kepler I Jual Baterai BB CS 2

Baterai BB CS 2 Murah Gemini Curve kepler I Jual Baterai BB CS 2

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Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Baterai BB CS 2 Murah Gemini Curve kepler I Jual Baterai BB CS 2

Jual baterai BB CS 2

Baterai Blackberry untuk Gemini series original C-S2 ini memang pilihan yang paling sesuai untuk Blackberry 8520/8530/9300/9330 anda. Pro

Jual Baterai BB CS 2 Murah Gemini Curve kpler Spesifikasi Review

Feature :

  • Baterai Blackberry CS-2 original Genuine Research In Motion. Keaslian baterai dijamin. Silahkan lihat Tips Ciri baterai Blackberry Gemini Curve C-S2 original asli dan palsu untuk membedakan baterai Blackberry C-S2 yang asli dan yang palsu

  • Registered Serial number. Setiap baterai memiliki serial number unik yang berbeda

  • Garansi 100 hari full replacement.

Spesifikasi :

  • Jenis : Lithium Ion Rechargeable

  • Model : RIM BAT-06860-004

  • Voltage : 3.7 V

  • Kapasitas : 1120 mAh 4.3 Wh

Compatible devices :

  • Blackberry 8300 Curve

  • Blackberry 8310 Curve

  • Blackberry 8320 Curve

  • Blackberry 8330 Curve

  • Blackberry 8520 Gemini

  • Blackberry 7100

  • Blackberry 8700

  • Blackberry 8703

  • Blackberry 9300 Keppler

  • Blackberry 9330 Keppler

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Jual Baterai BB CS 2 Murah Gemini Curve kepler Gambar

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Jual Baterai BB CS 2 Murah Gemini Curve kepler I Jual Baterai BB CS 2
#JualBateraiBBCS2, #JualBateraiBBCS2Curve, #JualBateraiBBCS2Garansi, #JualBateraiBBCS2Gemini, #JualBateraiBBCS2Jakarta, #JualBateraiBBCS2Kaskus, #JualBateraiBBCS2Kepler, #JualBateraiBBCS2Murah, #JualBateraiBBCS2Tokobagus, #JualBateraiBBCS2Yogyakarta

SpeedUp Pad Note 5.3 Inchi snapdragon S1 I Jual SpeedUp Pad Note

SpeedUp Pad Note 5.3 Inchi snapdragon S1 I Jual SpeedUp Pad Note

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual SpeedUp Pad Note 5.3 Inchi snapdragon S1 I Jual SpeedUp Pad Note

Jual SpeedUp Pad Note

edikit review untuk para pecinta gadget, belum lama merek ini memperkenalkan mini tablet Android ICS layar 5.3 inci yakni SpeedUp Pad Note. Dengan harga 2 jutaanSpeedUp Pad Note mempersembahkan fitur yang lumayan tinggi. Mulai dari prosesor Snapdragon 1GHz, layar multitouch 5 points, 3G, GPS, Wi-Fi, Dual GSM dan kamera 5 mp. Baterenya pun disiapkan dengan tenaga besar 2500mAh. Bila dilihat dari specs dan penampakkannya, SpeedUp Pad Note memiliki pesaing terdekat yakni Axioo Picopad 5.

Jual SpeedUp Pad Note 5.3″ snapdragon S1 1Ghz Spesifikasi Review

Spesifikasi :

Processor:Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz,
Dual SIM Card, Dual standby
Data Speed:7.2 Mbps DL, 5.76 Mbps UL
Display:5.3 Inch, Multitouch 5 points
Resolution:480 x 800 px
Support:Voice Call & SMS, Adobe Flash Player,
Audio recording
RAM:512 MB
Storage:GB (512 MB Internal + 8 GB Micro SD)
Front Cam.:0.3 Megapixels
Rear Cam.:5.0 MP autofocus
Bluetooth:v2.1 + EDR
WiFi:802.11 b/g
Sensors:Gsensor, Proximity sensor, Light sensor
Radio:FM Radio
MicroSD:Up to 32 GB
Dimension:L : 150.4 mm
W : 85.4 mm
H : 11.2 mm
Weight:206 g
Battery:mAh, 450 hours standby*
Voltage:100 – 240 Volt (in DC adapter)

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Jual SpeedUp Pad Note 5.3 Inchi snapdragon S1 Gambar

 | | SpeedUp Pad Note


Jual SpeedUp Pad Note 5.3 Inchi snapdragon S1 I Jual SpeedUp Pad Note
#JualSpeedUpPadNote, #JualSpeedUpPadNoteAwet, #JualSpeedUpPadNoteGaransi, #JualSpeedUpPadNoteKaskus, #JualSpeedUpPadNoteMurah, #JualSpeedUpPadNoteTokobagusTabletJualSpeedUpPadNote, #JualSpeedUpPadNoteYogyakarta, #SmartphonSpeedUpPadNote, #SpeedUpPadNoteReview, #SpeedUpPadNoteSpesifikasi

Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HT P 1800 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HT P 1800 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HT P 1800 12V Professional series

Jual Car Inverter Izzy power

Car Inverter Made in Taiwan. Kualitas terbaik. Model baru ini USB portnya Powerful – Dirancang khusus untuk bisa charging Handphone, Iphone, Ipad, Ipod, Blackberry.

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HT P 1800waat  12Volt Spesifikasi

How to use it ;

  1. Connect the inverter cable with vehicle’s batteries, then turn on the power switch, LED indicator will be light up.

  2. Plug an AC product into AC socket and turn it on

    Model No.HT-P-1800-12 | HT-P-1800-24
    AC Output VoltageAC 100V

    AC 120V

    AC 230V
    Output Power Continuous1800W
    Max Output power3600W
    Regulation+- 5%
    Output Wave FormModified Sine Wave
    DC Input Voltage9.5 ~ 16v | 19 ~ 32v
    Input Low Voltage AlarmYes
    Input Low Voltage ProtectionYes
    Input High Voltage ProtectionYes
    Output short circuit protectionYes
    Temperature instructionYes
    Battery voltage indicatorYes
    Output Watt indicatorYes
    Output Frequency50/60Hz +-3%
    Efficiency> 85%
    No load Current Draw0.25 A | 0.2 A
    Temperature Protection55 C +- 5 C
    Overload ProtectionYes
    Dimension510 x 274 x 105
    Net Weight7.3 kg
    Gross Weight9.0


Overtemp Protection : LED sparkles when product temperature gets high, it would shut down automatically while temperature arrives 55±5?.

Overload Protection : Orange LED lights when inverter shut down due to overloading. Inverter would re-start twice, if failed, inverter would shut down.

Please turn inverter OFF, reduce load and turn inverter ON to reset.

Digital Display or remote control : Display under battery voltage mode and load watts (Kw unit) mode, you can select the mode as your demand.

Fault Indicator : When the below status occur, and Display shows the below words:

HVP: high voltage protection.

LVP: low voltage protection.

OLP: over load protection or short circuit protectio

Trouble Shooting :

ProblemPossible causeSolution
Overload output short circuitMake sure that inverter cable connect to battery wellreset the cable
no voltage indicatorInternal fuse blown outchange new fuse
inverter shuts down and overload light showoverloadreduce load
inverter shuts down and overtemp light showOvertemperatureimprove ventilation
low battery alarmbattery volt is lowchange battery



Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HT P 1800 12V gambar



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Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HT P 1800 12V I Jual Car Inverter
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Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HT P 1200 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HT P 1200 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HT P 1200 12V 

Professional series

Jual Car Inverter Izzy power

Car Inverter Made in Taiwan. Kualitas terbaik. Model baru ini USB portnya Powerful – Dirancang khusus untuk bisa charging Handphone, Iphone, Ipad, Ipod, Blackberry.


Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HT P 1200 12Volts spesifikasi

Spesification :

Model No. HT-P-1200-12 | HT-P-1200-12

AC Output Voltage AC 100V

AC 120V

AC 230V

Output Power Continuous1000W

Regulation +- 8%

Output Wave Form Modified Sine Wave

DC Input Voltage 10.5 ~ 16v | 21 ~ 32v

Input Low Voltage Alarm Yes

Input Low Voltage Protection Yes

Output Frequency 50/60Hz +-3%

Efficiency > 85%

No load Current Draw 0.5 A | 0.3 A

Temperature Protection 55 C +- 5 C

Overload Protection Yes

Dimension 230 x 123 x 65

Net Weight 1.4 kg

Izzy Power DC to AC Car Inverter HT-P-1200-12 1200 watt 12 volts berfungsi mengubah tegangan DC menjadi AC, contohnya dari aki mobil DC menjadi tegangan AC supaya bisa dipakai untuk menjalankan peralatan yang membutuhkan listrik AC

Cocok untuk dipakai oleh alat yang konsumsi powernya tidak melebihi 1200W misalkan : Charger Laptor/HP/BB/Gadget, TV, Video, Radio, Fan, Lampu hemat energi

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HT P 1200watt  12V Gambar

 | | jual car inverter izzy power 1200

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HT P 1200 12V I Jual Car Inverter
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HTC one 801E Jellybean Snapdragon quad core I Jual HTC one 801e

HTC one 801E Jellybean Snapdragon quad core I Jual HTC one 801e

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual HTC one 801E Jellybean Snapdragon quad core I Jual HTC one 801e

Jual HTC one 801E

HTC which once was a leader in premium smart phone category reason for its superior hardware and software recently saw it demand fall due to stiff competition from Samsung & Nokia has come with yet another premium smart phone HTC one 801e will be provide support to its falling sell lets fine out by the look of its it certainly look a masterpiece if beauty lies in the eyes of beholder than every customer is going to fall for this masterpiece for its beauty now let’s see this device in full detail.

Jual HTC one 801E Jellybean Snapdragon quad core 1.2 Ghz Spesifikasi Review

Key Features

  • Dual Frontal Stereo Speakers with Powerful Amplifiers

  • Full HD Recording

  • HTC Zoe: Photos with a Beginning; Middle and End

  • Android Jelly Bean OS

  • 1.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 Quad Core Processor

  • Full Metal Body with Zero Gaps

  • UltraPixel Primary Camera and 2.1 MP Secondary Camera

  • HTC Blink Feed: Live Home Screen

  • 2 GB RAM and 32 GB Internal Memory

  • NFC Support and Wi-Fi Enabled

  • 360° View: Perfect from Every Angle

Beauty need not just be in the eyes of the beholder with the HTC One that seamlessly blends timeless class with post-modern functionality to present a phone that reshapes your smartphone experience. The flagship device from the makers at HTC, the single GSM SIM smartphone runs on the Android (Jelly Bean) that is aided and abetted by theHTC BlinkFeed which moulds your online and offline existence effortlessly feeding real time happenings right onto your homescreen. Easy on the eye and extremely customizable and functional, BlinkFeed brings the pulse of the world to your palm.

Powered by a 1.7 Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 Quad Core processor with 2 GB RAM, this capacitive touch phone covets bragging rights with a 4.7 inch screen with full HD 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution. Juiced by a Li-Polymer 2300 mAh battery, the phone can give you up to 27 hours on 2G networks.

A picture speaks a thousand words and the camera that takes the picture is what makes it. The HTC One captures 300 per cent more light in each frame with the HTC UltraPixel 4 MP front camera and a 2.1 megapixel secondary camera that brings ultimate clarity and detail in each lifelike photo. The phone that supports full HD recording as well automatically captures up to 20 photos and one three second video for every picture, revolutionizing the meaning of dynamic photography. The HTC Video Highlights crafts its own video show of any event which is completely customizable and easily shareable as well.

Talk about intelligence, the innovative Sense Voice on the HTC One are built to reduce loud ambient noises to boost in-call voice for clarity beyond all expectations. And the BoomSound with dual frontal stereo speakers with built-in amplifiers is an audiophile’s delight with music transfer with so less distortion and so much more detail.

With an internal storage capacity of 32 GB, the HTC One is all about connectivity with GPRS, EDGE, 3G, Wi-Fi, DLNA and bluetooth apart from a microUSB port to transfer media and a 3.5 mm audio jack as well. A phone that is built with zero gap construction and tapered edges for a smooth yet firm grip, the HTC One is one smartphone that guarantees nothing less than the very best.

Jual HTC one 801E Jellybean Snapdragon quad core 1.2ghz 4.7″ Gambar


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Jual HTC one 801E Jellybean Snapdragon quad core I Jual HTC one 801e
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Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HT E 1500 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HT E 1500 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HT E 1500 12V Professional series

Jual Car Inverter Izzy power

Car Inverter Made in Taiwan. Kualitas terbaik. Model baru ini USB portnya Powerful – Dirancang khusus untuk bisa charging Handphone, Iphone, Ipad, Ipod, Blackberry.


Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HT E 1500 12Volts spesifikasi

  1. Specification
    Model No.HT-E-1500-12 | HT-E-1500-24
    AC Output VoltageAC 100V

    AC 120V

    AC 230V
    Output Power Continuous1500W
    Max Output power3600W
    Regulation+- 5%
    Output Wave FormModified Sine Wave
    DC Input Voltage9.5 ~ 16v | 19 ~ 32v
    Input Low Voltage AlarmYes
    Input Low Voltage ProtectionYes
    Input High Voltage ProtectionYes
    Output short circuit protectionYes
    Temperature instructionYes
    Battery voltage indicatorYes
    Output Watt indicatorYes
    Output Frequency50/60Hz +-3%
    Efficiency> 85%
    No load Current Draw0.25 A | 0.2 A
    Temperature Protection55 C +- 5 C
    Overload ProtectionYes
    Dimension510 x 274 x 105
    Net Weight7.3 kg
    Gross Weight9.0


Overtemp Protection : LED sparkles when product temperature gets high, it would shut down automatically while temperature arrives 55±5?.

Overload Protection : Orange LED lights when inverter shut down due to overloading. Inverter would re-start twice, if failed, inverter would shut down.

Please turn inverter OFF, reduce load and turn inverter ON to reset.

Digital Display or remote control : Display under battery voltage mode and load watts (Kw unit) mode, you can select the mode as your demand.

Fault Indicator : When the below status occur, and Display shows the below words:

HVP: high voltage protection.

LVP: low voltage protection.

OLP: over load protection or short circuit protectio

Trouble Shooting :

ProblemPossible causeSolution
Overload output short circuitMake sure that inverter cable connect to battery wellreset the cable
no voltage indicatorInternal fuse blown outchange new fuse
inverter shuts down and overload light showoverloadreduce load
inverter shuts down and overtemp light showOvertemperatureimprove ventilation
low battery alarmbattery volt is lowchange battery



Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HT E 1500 12Volts Gambar

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Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HT E 1500 12V I Jual Car Inverter
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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HT E 1000 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HT E 1000 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HT E 1000 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Jual Car Inverter Izzy power

Car Inverter Made in Taiwan. Kualitas terbaik. Model baru ini USB portnya Powerful – Dirancang khusus untuk bisa charging Handphone, Iphone, Ipad, Ipod, Blackberry.


Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HT E 1000 12Volts spesifikasi

Spesification :

Model No. HT-E-1000-12 | HT-E-1000-12

AC Output Voltage AC 100V

AC 120V

AC 230V

Output Power Continuous1000W

Regulation +- 8%

Output Wave Form Modified Sine Wave

DC Input Voltage 10.5 ~ 16v | 21 ~ 32v

Input Low Voltage Alarm Yes

Input Low Voltage Protection Yes

Output Frequency 50/60Hz +-3%

Efficiency > 85%

No load Current Draw 0.5 A | 0.3 A

Temperature Protection 55 C +- 5 C

Overload Protection Yes

Dimension 230 x 123 x 65

Net Weight 1.4 kg

Izzy Power DC to AC Car Inverter HT-E-1000-12 1000 watt 12 volts berfungsi mengubah tegangan DC menjadi AC, contohnya dari aki mobil DC menjadi tegangan AC supaya bisa dipakai untuk menjalankan peralatan yang membutuhkan listrik AC

Cocok untuk dipakai oleh alat yang konsumsi powernya tidak melebihi 1000W misalkan : Charger Laptor/HP/BB/Gadget, TV, Video, Radio, Fan, Lampu hemat energi

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HT E 1000 12V gambar


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Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HT E 1000 12V I Jual Car Inverter
#BeliCarInverterIZZYPOWER, #CarInverterIzzyPower, #IzzyPower12Volts, #IzzyPower24Volts, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWER, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERGaransi, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERHTE1000, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERJakarta, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERJogja, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERKaskus, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERMurah, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERTokobagus

Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HTE 600 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HTE 600 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HTE 600 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Jual Car Inverter Izzy power

Car Inverter Made in Taiwan. Kualitas terbaik. Model baru ini USB portnya Powerful – Dirancang khusus untuk bisa charging Handphone, Iphone, Ipad, Ipod, Blackberry.

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HTE 600 12Volts spesifikasi

Spesification :

Model No. HT-E-600-12 | HT-E-600-12

AC Output Voltage AC 100V

AC 120V

AC 230V

Output Power Continuous 600W

Regulation +- 8%

Output Wave Form Modified Sine Wave

DC Input Voltage 10.5 ~ 16v | 21 ~ 32v

Input Low Voltage Alarm Yes

Input Low Voltage Protection Yes

Output Frequency 50/60Hz +-3%

Efficiency > 85%

No load Current Draw 0.5 A | 0.3 A

Temperature Protection 55 C +- 5 C

Overload Protection Yes

Dimension 230 x 123 x 65

Net Weight 1.4 kg

Izzy Power DC to AC Car Inverter HT-E-600-12 600 watt 12 volts berfungsi mengubah tegangan DC menjadi AC, contohnya dari aki mobil DC menjadi tegangan AC supaya bisa dipakai untuk menjalankan peralatan yang membutuhkan listrik AC

Cocok untuk dipakai oleh alat yang konsumsi powernya tidak melebihi 600W misalkan : Charger Laptor/HP/BB/Gadget, TV, Video, Radio, Fan, Lampu hemat energi


Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HTE 600 12V gambar

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Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HTE 600 12V I Jual Car Inverter
#BeliCarInverterIZZYPOWER, #CarInverterIzzyPower, #IzzyPower12Volts, #IzzyPower24Volts, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWER, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERGaransi, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERHTE600, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERJakarta, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERJogja, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERKaskus, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERMurah, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERTokobagus

Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HTE 350 24V I Jual Car Inverter

Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HTE 350 24V I Jual Car Inverter

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HTE 350 24V with USB power port

Jual Car Inverter Izzy power

Car Inverter Made in Taiwan. Kualitas terbaik. Model baru ini USB portnya Powerful – Dirancang khusus untuk bisa charging Handphone, Iphone, Ipad, Ipod, Blackberry.

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HTE 350 24V spesifikasi

pesifikasi Izzy Power DC to AC Inverter HT-E-350-24 :

  • Model No : HT-E-350-24

  • Output : 350 Watt

  • AC Output Voltage :  AC230V

  • Regulation : 8%

  • Output Wave Form : Modified Sine Wave

  • DC Input Voltage : 9.5V – 16V

  • Input Low Voltage Alarm : YES

  • Input Low Voltage Protection : YES

  • Frequency : 50/60Hz 3%

  • Efficiency : >85%

  • No Load Current Draw : 0.2A (12V)

  • Temperature Protection : 55′C

  • Dimensions : 155 X 85 X 55 mm

  • Net Weight : 0.46 Kg

Izzy Power DC to AC Car Inverter HT-E-350-24 150 watt 24 volts berfungsi mengubah tegangan DC menjadi AC, contohnya dari aki mobil DC menjadi tegangan AC supaya bisa dipakai untuk menjalankan peralatan yang membutuhkan listrik AC

Cocok untuk dipakai oleh alat yang konsumsi powernya tidak melebihi 350W misalkan : Charger Laptor/HP/BB/Gadget, TV, Video, Radio, Fan, Lampu hemat energi

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HTE 350 24V gambar

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Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HTE 350 24V I Jual Car Inverter
#BeliCarInverterIZZYPOWER, #CarInverterIzzyPower, #IzzyPower12Volts, #IzzyPower24Volts, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWER, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERGaransi, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERHTE350, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERJakarta, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERJogja, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERKaskus, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERMurah, #JualCarInverterIZZYPOWERTokobagus

Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HTE 350 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HTE 350 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HTE 350 12V  (with cigar plug and clip cable)

Jual Car Inverter Izzy power

Car Inverter Made in Taiwan. Kualitas terbaik. Model baru ini USB portnya Powerful – Dirancang khusus untuk bisa charging Handphone, Iphone, Ipad, Ipod, Blackberry.

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HTE 350 12V Spesfikasi

Spesifikasi Izzy Power DC to AC Inverter HT-E-350-12 :

  • Model No : HT-E-350-12

  • Output : 350 Watt

  • AC Output Voltage :  AC230V

  • Regulation : 8%

  • Output Wave Form : Modified Sine Wave

  • DC Input Voltage : 9.5V – 16V

  • Input Low Voltage Alarm : YES

  • Input Low Voltage Protection : YES

  • Frequency : 50/60Hz 3%

  • Efficiency : >85%

  • No Load Current Draw : 0.2A (12V)

  • Temperature Protection : 55′C

  • Dimensions : 155 X 85 X 55 mm

  • Net Weight : 0.46 Kg

Izzy Power DC to AC Car Inverter HT-E-350-12 150 watt 12 volts berfungsi mengubah tegangan DC menjadi AC, contohnya dari aki mobil DC menjadi tegangan AC supaya bisa dipakai untuk menjalankan peralatan yang membutuhkan listrik AC

Cocok untuk dipakai oleh alat yang konsumsi powernya tidak melebihi 350W misalkan : Charger Laptor/HP/BB/Gadget, TV, Video, Radio, Fan, Lampu hemat energi

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HTE 350 12V Gambar

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Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HTE 350 12V I Jual Car Inverter
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Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HTE 150 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HTE 150 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HTE 150 12V I Jual Car Inverter

Jual Car Inverter Izzy power

Car Inverter Made in Taiwan. Kualitas terbaik. Model baru ini USB portnya Powerful – Dirancang khusus untuk bisa charging Handphone, Iphone, Ipad, Ipod, Blackberry.

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HTE 150 12V Spesfikasi

Spesifikasi Izzy Power DC to AC Inverter HT-E-150-12 :

  • Model No : HT-E-150-12

  • Output : 150 Watt

  • AC Output Voltage :  AC230V

  • Regulation : 8%

  • Output Wave Form : Modified Sine Wave

  • DC Input Voltage : 9.5V – 16V

  • Input Low Voltage Alarm : YES

  • Input Low Voltage Protection : YES

  • Frequency : 50/60Hz 3%

  • Efficiency : >85%

  • No Load Current Draw : 0.2A (12V)

  • Temperature Protection : 55′C

  • Dimensions : 155 X 85 X 55 mm

  • Net Weight : 0.46 Kg

Izzy Power DC to AC Car Inverter HT-E-150-12 150 watt 12 volts berfungsi mengubah tegangan DC menjadi AC, contohnya dari aki mobil DC menjadi tegangan AC supaya bisa dipakai untuk menjalankan peralatan yang membutuhkan listrik AC

Cocok untuk dipakai oleh alat yang konsumsi powernya tidak melebihi 150W misalkan : Charger Laptor/HP/BB/Gadget, TV, Video, Radio, Fan, Lampu hemat energi

Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC  HTE 150 12V Gambar

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Jual Car Inverter IZZY POWER DC to AC HTE 150 12V I Jual Car Inverter
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Himax Pure II Dual Sim Quad Core 4.5 Inchi I Jual Himax Pure II

Himax Pure II Dual Sim Quad Core 4.5 Inchi I Jual Himax Pure II

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual Himax Pure II Dual Sim Quad Core 4.5 Inchi I Jual Himax Pure II

Jual Himax Pure 2

Gadget Terbaru dari Himax Pure II Spesifikasi, fitur dan info harga akan kami sajikan pada postingan kali ini. Himax Pure II – Setelah kehadiran ponsel pertamanya, vendor pendatang baru Himax Indonesia dipastikan kembali meramaikan pasar lokal dengan model smartphone terbarunya. Perangkat baru ini masih mengambil lini Pure Series dan menjadi generasi penerus dari Himax Pure sebelumnya. Kita tahu bahwa sejak pertama meluncur, banyak konsumen yang tertarik dan bisa dibilang lumayan diminati pangsa lokal. Ponsel berlabel Himax Pure II itu hampir mirip dengan HTC One X dari sisi modelnya.

Himax Pure II ini hadir dengan mengusung layar berukuran 4,5 inchi yang dibalut dengan teknologi layar Crystal Clear Display IPS dan OGS Technology. Jadi di pastikan pengguna akan mendapatkan tampilan layar yang jernih dan sangat tajam. Untuk sistem operasi androidnya sendiri menggunakan sistem operasi android terbaru yakni Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.


Jual Himax Pure II Dual Sim Quad Core 1.2 Ghz Snapdragon 4.5″ Spesifikasi

Spesifikasi Himax Pure II :

Jaringan : Dual SIM Dual Standby, GSM/WCDMA 2100 MHz

Dimensi : 135 x 68 x 9.9mm

Tebal : 9,9mm

Layar : IPS Display 4.5 Inci

Prosesor : Quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 1.2GHz

GPU : Adreno 203

Memori RAM : 1GHz

Memori Eksternal : MicroSD

Sistem Operasi : Android v4.1 Jelly Bean


Konektivitas : Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth, microSD

Browser : HTML

GPS : Ya

Fitur lain : Google Play Store, Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, Alarm, Calculator, Calender. Audio Jack 3.5mm

Baterai : Lithium 2000 mAh; standby 140 jam

Untuk menghasilkan kinerja prosesor yang handal, Himax Pure II ini di bekali dengan kehandalan dari prosesor Snapdragon, dengan prosesor quad-core 1,2GHz plus GPUAdreno 203. Kapasitas memori RAM yang digandengnya yakni 1GB plus memori internal 4GB. Sehingga performa yang di hasilkan tidak perlu di ragukan lagi.

Jual Himax Pure II Dual Sim Quad Core 4.5 Inchi Gambar


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Jual Himax Pure II Dual Sim Quad Core 4.5 Inchi I Jual Himax Pure II
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Friday, July 26, 2013

LG Optimus G Pro E988 Jellybean Quadcore I Jual LG Optimus G Pro

LG Optimus G Pro E988 Jellybean Quadcore I Jual LG Optimus G Pro

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual LG Optimus G Pro E988 Jellybean Quadcore I Jual LG Optimus G Pro

Jual LG optimus G Pro E988

Flagship phones are always designed to be very powerful and future proof to a certain level. The LG Optimus line of phones has been in the forefront of the LG arsenal when tackling the competition. The Optimus G Pro is a Candy Bar model with a single SIM slot. The GSM phone is very well suited for power users as well as Android fans.

LG E988 Optimus G Pro is an upgraded version of Optimus G smartphone by LG that comes with notable enhancements in display, size and processor. It features a huge 5.5-inch Full HD IPS capacitive touchscreen that essentially makes it a phablet. The Full HD touchscreen supports multi-touch feature, has a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels for super-clear images and movies.

Jual LG Optimus G Pro E988 Jellybean Quadcore 5.5″ Spesifikasi Review

Spesifikasi Produk:

2G NetworkGSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
ColorsBlack, White
Size1080 x 1920 pixels, 5.5 inches
TypeTrue Full HD IPS Plus LCD capacitive touchscreen
Battery3140 mAh battery
Dimension150.2 x 76.1 x 9.4 mm (5.91 x 3.00 x 0.37 in)
Primary13 MP AF / LED Flash, Secondary 2.1 MP
Operating SystemAndroid OS, v4.1.2 (Jelly Bean)
CPUQuad-core 1.7 GHz Krait 300
Weight172 g
3,5mm jackYes

System and Memory

The Device runs on the latest Android Jelly Bean OS with v4.1.2. This, together with the Optimus 3.0 User Interface, gives you a truly smooth and fluid performance in terms of transitions and general graphics as well. The graphics in the device is supported by the Adreno 320 processor. The phone itself has a 1.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 Quad Core processor. This immense processing power lets you shred through tasks with the device, and it experiences almost no lag or difficulty.

The LG Optimus G Pro phone has a RAM of 2 GB, which leaves you ample space to carry out a ton of multitasking capabilities. The Optimus smart phone has an internal memory of 16 GB, of which 10.5 GB is User Memory.

Power Management

The phone comes with a massive 3140 mAh battery that can last you for a very long time before needing a recharge, as compared to most other Android smartphones in its class.


The capacitive screen has a massive size of 5.5 inches with IPS Display and Corning Gorilla Glass 2. It can support 16 M colors to give a truly pleasurable viewing experience.

Camera and Multimedia

The phone comes with a primary camera of 13 MP. High quality images are possible under varying conditions with the right settings engaged. The secondary camera of the device has a sensor of 2.1 MP. The LED flash is adequate in lighting up the subjects in the dark. It is capable of HD Video Recording at 1920 x 1080 p at 30 fps. The phone also supports GPRS, EDGE, WiFi, 3G and Bluetooth as well. It comes with A-GPS and Google Maps. The LG Optimus smartphone can also serve as a very versatile media player, supporting all the major formats, including FLAC and MP4 as well.

Jual LG Optimus G Pro E988 Jellybean Quadcore Snapdragon Gambar

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Jual LG Optimus G Pro E988 Jellybean Quadcore I Jual LG Optimus G Pro

Hardisk external seagate 1TB 2.5" I Jual Hardisk external seagate

Hardisk external seagate 1TB 2.5" I Jual Hardisk external seagate

Cara Order & Pemesanan
Jual Imo S89 Axioo Picopad 4 Quad Core Tablet Ainol Novo Hd Player

0274-558259 | SMS : 0852.116.22222 | Pin BBM : 3252B8A8 | Kakao Talk : MU7083953 | Line : TabletJogja.Com | WeChat : TabletJogja | WhatsApp : 0852.116.22222

Jual hardisk external seagate 1TB 2.5″ I Jual hardisk external seagate

Jual Hardisk External Seagate

The Backup Plus portable drive from Seagate is the simple, one-click way to protect and share your entire digital life—without getting in the way of the rest of your life like :

  • Protect your stuff with easy, flexible backups

  • Share directly to Facebook, Flickr, and YouTube

  • Automatically back up photos you’ve shared online

  • Easily increase transfer speeds with Thunderbolt™ technology or FireWire® 800

Jual hardisk external seagate 1TB 2.5″ spesifikasi review

Specification of Seagate Backup Plus Portable Drive 2.5 inch USB 3.0 – 1TB – Silver

Capacity:1 TB
Input Device Type:USB 3.0
Weight:224 g
Dimension:14.5(H) x 81.1(W) x 123.4(L) mm

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Do more with social networks

Backup Plus finally bridges the gap between your online life and the rest of your life, letting you share and backup memories on Facebook, Flickr, and YouTube–all right from your external drive.

  • Syncs with your personal social media accounts

  • Easily upload photos and videos, or download photos to back them up

  • Set automatic backups of what you share online

  • Manage it all from the intuitive Seagate Dashboard

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Easy backup

Choose from two easy backup options in the Seagate Dashboard and then forget it.

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Sleek, portable design

Keep your stuff safe anywhere. USB power means it requires no external power source.

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Works with PC or Mac

Use it interchangeably on your PC or your Mac computer without reformatting.

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USB 3.0 plug-and-play

You can also easily upgrade to Thunderbolt™ technology or FireWire® 800 with add-on adapters (sold separately). USB 3.0 is also backward compatible with USB 2.0.


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Photos, videos and more. Automatically.

Life is full of amazing moments you want to remember forever. The Backup Plus portable drive goes where you go, providing easy, plug-and-play backups. So no matter where “life happens,” your memories are always protected.

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Your social life with a click

Think of how many photos you’ve shared on Facebook or Flickr. With Backup Plus, you can easily download them right to your Backup Plus drive, so even more of you life is safe and sound.

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Your favorite moments instantly

You can also easily share photos and videos to Facebook, Flickr, or YouTube—simultaneously—right from your Backup Plus drive. Smart integration with popular social media means your memories aren’t “trapped” in your drive, letting you publish them to the network of your choice.

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Your connectivity in a snap.

Need to upgrade to Thunderbolt™ technology or FirewWire® 800? Not a problem, thanks to the ingenuity of Backup Plus, letting you upgrade your data transfer as easily as plugging in a new adapter.* So even when you step up to a new computer, your Backup Plus portable drive can upgrade right along with you.Additional adapters sold separately.

Jual hardisk external seagate 1TB 2.5″ gambar

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Jual Hardisk external seagate 1TB 2.5" I Jual Hardisk external seagate

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